Monday, November 30, 2015


He is one of those insatiable robots humans.     

It's the same old story;   
                                           The protagonist plagued by  a overactive libretto mind,
                                            searching for himself at the bottom of every bottle river. 
                                                Growing up a victim of society; physically, mentally 
                                                 abused plagued by extreme feelings of inadequacy 
                                                 causing intense anger and pain.  Using sex, booze and                                                                        rock & roll 
                                                 as an outlet.                                                                    
                                                                 and in the end...just gone to pot

Some call him a burnout, mentally bankrupt, brain-dead
or just the recipient of bad brains.

They harbor the most unflagging supposition that 
he is definitely an entity.

but he is just a product
of his environment.

So. Why Poly?  Ah, the question of our times...

Is he human,? Is he a robot? What kind of product is he?

Have the drugs worked? Has the mania subsided?
Has the depression lifted?    

Questions I'm sure we'd all like answered someday.

The fact is that he has strayed further than most lost sheep.

Sure there are the naysayers, the skeptics that are clamoring

he is a fake...a charlatan. And that's not saying much- Sure he is-

but he is lovable cute and kind. Even a little ahead of his time.

Clearly misguided- but what the hell!



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