Monday, November 16, 2015

The business of the day

is war
                                     (Laurie Lipton, Collateral Damage)

A solution to the liquidity crises... 

A great way to thin out the herd...

We are the herd- The thundering herd. Haven't you heard?      
Time to report to you local draft board.                The war is on!

Oh Poly...Don't be absurd!        They don't do that anymore. Do they?
                                                           Will they?

                          Laurie Lipton, Death of the Maiden)

But who will protect the children?
Who will pacify?

We will be too busy fighting the evil...And there is evil lurking                                                                                 around every corner

and death hides under a sheet
against Abraham's bosom.

     Lord! Please do not forsake us in our hour of need.
Deliver us from evil...

Remember, we are the good ones. 
We are on the right side.
In the light.

                                              (Laurie Lipton,  delusion dwellers)

We will pray

and ask for absolution.

Pass the ammunition.

...and save us all.


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