Thursday, November 12, 2015

Making oneself scarce

There is nothing left to do

I am sorry you can't accept it understand.
I am out of my element mind. It is a closed one. One that is lost; a lost cause.

and I can't begin to help myself.

You see- everything is built on sand.
                           Pure and simple. We have lost sight on what is important.                         EACH AND EVERYONE OF US.

                                         We are Alone.                                                                                           It is a matter of course. ..  

                                                                      I... I am lumbered
 afloat on a raft of my own design.

 Not of this world.
Not for this world.
An alien in a no-mans world.

Losing touch.  

Out of touch. Out of control.

It is a toss-up if we will ever get where
we need to be.

I know I am not there.

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