Thursday, February 25, 2016

Her fall

She has been unfaithful.

She sees herself now 

as she really is

Stripped of face
her image
               worn to a shadow.

She fears
she beckons
she weeps...
She has done wrong.


She also knows when you are in love
             you are oblivious to one's own faults.

Perhaps she is guilty
of loving too much
She had abandoned her own morality
sacrificed her own principles.

She knows where the blame falls:
             "If you spank me, I will comply."

neo surrealism fantasy art images, free arts pictures fantasy wallpaper
She believes it is her only avenue
towards repentance.
Believes it is her forfeiture
to atone for a multitude of sins...
She must be made to feel.

He concurs.
He knows he must be the one to chastise her
and return her to her former virtue.
She must understand the pain 
she has caused.

For he is the one that loves her.

is the only way to save her


Tuesday, February 23, 2016

These are the Pearls
these are the blessings...

This is the hand to kiss.

These are the realities.

                                         Where are the days to come?

                                                         Such is the will to live.
                                                                          Drink deeply.

It is insidious

The world is full of lies

                                    crawling with rats.

           at times...                               

                 Yet we are thankful
                      for small mercies.


                                     Thankful for this life.
                                  We push on.
                             There is no other choice.


Wednesday, February 17, 2016

                                DANCES WITH LIFE

                         We dance to justify our existence.
                It is this dance that betrays our true volition.

                                                            Our resolution to push on;
                                                                     to find purpose
                                                                   where there is none.

We meet in dark 
to discuss...
to deliberate,
to conspire.
To form strategies.
                                                        We speak in hushed tones...

                 Faces turned toward the heavens
                 try to catch a glimpse
                 of light.

Instead we are yanked out of our tedium
                       by the arrival of a new botheration
                              that must be overcome
                                        before we can begin 
                                                to dance again.

Sunday, February 14, 2016



                      Is the color
                                              of my true loves

                                                                                               from the veins

                                                                    She drinks  to love
Professes her love
"is thicker than blood."
                                                      Calls me her possession.
I am possessed by her.

                                              Powerless to refuse,
                                              Her will is stronger than mine.
                                              I grow weaker...

She beckons
I obey.

            "You are mine forever."
"Yes...forever my love..." 

Image result for dripping blood red rose

Thursday, February 4, 2016

                   RECKLESS AS RAIN

 Saturating the very soul

Evolving into one

It is what we are

of lust

Something we all share