Thursday, July 2, 2015

                                       EYE OF POLY                                

I am witness to the human race that never ceases to amaze.
Ruled by the endless realm of emotion... 
                  The audacity. Arrogance. Strength, weakness. Hope and despair.
                                  The ingenuity, vastness of creativity. Inventiveness.
                                        The narrowness of racism. Fallacy of self-importance.
                                               Meekness and humility. Desperation.

The eye sees all. It tears...

I weep. The future frightens me. Our children trust in all our haughty pretense
We swagger in  pomposity.

       I plead: Please don't hurt us anymore...

                                                 Oh Poly, don't cry. All is not lost- you will see.
                                  They will figure it all out. There is a big plan. Trust in the Lord.

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