Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Here's your latest forecast:

                                                             There will be clouds..

There will be problems,
so don't plan on an easy life.

                                Its all uphill
                                                          from here.


But nothing you can't handle, baby

Stick with it.
Stick with it.

while I curl up and die.

I'm such a pessimist
wrapped in a veil
of optimism.

                          CAll mE a REALIST.
                an opportunist.
                                       BUT DON'T CALL ME.

i won't answer.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

                             STROKE IT

                                                            WHILE YOU STILL CAN

                          She waits 
                                         for you...

The feel of silk.
The scent of her
                                                      ALL FOR YOU


She is your prize.

                               close your eyes and imagine  

                                                        This is not a dream
you are inside.