Saturday, January 30, 2016

                                                                                         DOMI NATION

She let herself knowingly slip                                                                                                       under his spell

              Found she was 

                                               helpless to resist                                                                                                                   his mesmeric demur.

He thought himself QUITE invincible-
an aristocrat, affable;
a man of considerable means
and desires.

He was her first.

                                                  She had foolishly gone
                                                       along with his demands
                                                       and now found herself 
                                                       a victim of complete                                                                                                                    carnal desire
                                                       and she was enjoying it.

Over the years,
she had heard 
rumors of lust,
shades of grey

and now she herself
fell a victim.
she longed to be... dominated-

                                     When one is in love,                                                                                                                              one is oblivious to their faults. 

Abandoning all diffidence
she sidled up                                                                                             to one transgression
after another
and begged for more...

                A prisoner of such lusty desires!   

She was startled by
her own fevered eagerness.                                                                  
to please.

She said she wanted forever 
to be viewed 
as an instrument
of pleasure. 

Image result for vintage dominatrix
     A victim of Domi nation



Saturday, January 23, 2016

Just hanging in there now...

Glad you asked.

Things, as usual, have been chaotic for sure.

Here and there...
There and here...

                                                          and I don't care-

and I've dropped out
for a while.  

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

                                         Poly's Brain

       Looks like I lost it.

                                           I grovel before the mannequin                                                                                                                                    on bloodied knees and kiss her 
tattered hem. Sobbing like a                                                                                                                                  battered wife, I wither and ponder
                                                                                my pointless and meaningless life.
                      The debutante squats                                                                                                                          
                      under the bridge questioning 
                      her bleak existence. 


            If this is love, I've made a terrible mistake.

But enough of that! 
Lets not overreact Poly- 
Remember you are brainless. 

                                     It sits high on a filthy shelf
                                     gathering eternal dust
                                     crawling with rats
                                     covered in Ants. 
                                                                       Poor child.
                                                                       You are so
                                                   and brainless.



Saturday, January 9, 2016

                   THE WORLD ACCORDING TO POLY

(a sense of worth)
Everything serves a purpose.

Everything happens for a reason.

There isn't any black or white.

There are no shades of gray.

There is no sacred cow.

A friend to everyone is a friend to no one.

Sooner or later, everyone takes a turn on their knees.

There are no coincidences


          We are all connected by 
          the stream of universal                            consciousness.

Some ignore
Some deny                 Image result for universal consciousness

Some of us are driven by the need for power.
Some of us are driven by the need for love.
Some of us are driven by self interest.
Some of us are driven by the need for attention.
Some of us are driven by the need for diversion.
Some of us are driven by the need for riches.
Some of us are driven by the pursuit of happiness.

The push---The pull.


                             What is it that drives you-

                               propels you to strive?

beyond logic
                                          toward your own personal elusive goal.

That is seldom reached-
rarely achieved.

It is all in-explainable.

our reasons tumble into excuses.

                                      ...and so we go 
                                    round and round
                                 year after year,
                              wrapped in our own illusions
                           cloaked in our own personal
                         blankets of reality
                       trying to place a sense
                     of importance
                   to that which has none
                based on the dream to succeed.

Until the day we are unable to continue any longer. And just cease...

                          That's when we really matter.